Simply put, predatory fish hunt and detect prey based on three main senses (Sight, Smell and Sound). Sight and Smell are the most limited senses so predators rely on sound and the vibrations of low frequency sound to detect both the presence of prey along with the location and its direction of travel. The Hydrowave emits these sounds triggering a feeding response. Hence the phrase “Ignite a Feeding Frenzy”.
Articles in this section
- Should I Travel with my HydroWave Mounted on my Boat?
- Are the sounds real?
- What are the sounds?
- What fish will it affect or work on?
- How does it work?
- What sounds should you use and when?
- Do you use it always?
- Is the Hydrowave designed for deep or shallow water?
- Can I mount the speaker on top of my trolling motor?
- Will the Hydrowave interfere with any transducer?
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