All of the sounds produced by the Hydrowave are naturally occurring sounds of the following: Shad clicks (natural sounds that shad make as they school in a passive mood. Gill flairs (natural sounds that predatory fish make when sucking in prey. These sounds are similar to humans taking in a big breath but much more violent and aquatic in nature). Swim bladder pops (natural sounds made during the crushing of a prey fish’s swim bladder). Crushing sounds (Predatory fish have crushers at the opening of their throat that are used to crush and disable prey. Sounds made by these crushers are violent and very audible in an aquatic environment). Regurgitation (Often a predatory fish will gorge on bait when schooling. Once their prey is disabled they will regurgitate it and suck it back in as they swallow the previously eaten prey). Fleeing noises (As bait flees its attacking predator it will make distinct sounds and vibrations that reflect prey in a panicked mode).
Articles in this section
- Should I Travel with my HydroWave Mounted on my Boat?
- Are the sounds real?
- What are the sounds?
- What fish will it affect or work on?
- How does it work?
- What sounds should you use and when?
- Do you use it always?
- Is the Hydrowave designed for deep or shallow water?
- Can I mount the speaker on top of my trolling motor?
- Will the Hydrowave interfere with any transducer?
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